速寫 Day22
- 免許(めんきょ) ─ 駕照
- 腹(はら)が立つ ─ 憤怒
- たいてい ─ 大致上
- お金を引き出し ─ 騙出錢
- 断念(だんねん)─ 放棄
- 貯金(ちょきん)─ 存錢
- チラシを配(くば)って ─ 分發傳單
- ポスターが貼(は)って ─ 貼海報
- 恐(おそ)ろしい ─ 恐怖
- 休業中(きゅうぎょうちゅう) ─ 就是休業中
- 依頼(いらい) ─ 委託
- 安売り(やすう) ─ 便宜賣
- 大目(おおめ)に見る ─ 寬恕
- commingled ─ 混和的
- sovereign debt ─ 公債 (主權的債)
- fund’s Net Asset Value (NAV)\(=\dfrac{\sum {(Asset-Liability)}}{{shares}\quad {outstanding}}\)
- front-end load: upon initial investment.
- back-end load: when investor sells an investment in the fund.
open-end mutual funds vs. close-end mutual funds
- close-end mutual fund’s # shares remains static.
- open-end fund share can only be bought or sold at specific times (and can only be bought or sold using a market order), while close-end can be bought or sold at any time.
- open-end fund always transact at the next available NAV, while close-end can transact at a price other than NAV.
Exchange-traded funds (ETFs): enable instant diversification like an open-end fund, but they are exchanged-traded as a closed-end fund (typically trade at their NAV).
undesirable trading behaviors:
- Late trading
- Market timing
- Front running
- Directed brokerage (經濟): involves a quid pro quo (交換條件) whereby a mutual fund will direct trades to a broker in exchange for the broker investing its clients in the mutual fund. (not illegal)
hedge funds
- Since hedge funds are not required to redeem shares any time an investor requests, they have lockup periods.
- Lockup period is a certain amount of time in which the investor is not able to withdraw his funds.
- fee structure: 2 plus 20%, which means flat 2% of all assets + additional 20% of all profits above a specified benchmark. (the additional is so-called incentive fee.)
- incentive fee = \( 0.2\times \max{(R\times A-0.02\times A,0)}\)
- Safeguards (for investors) :
- hurdle (柵欄) rate. (like a benchmark)
- high-water mark clause(條款): previous losses must be recouped (補償) and hurdle rate surpassed.
- clawback (奪回) clause: enables investors to retain a portion of previously paid incentive fees in an escrow (第三方託管) account. (to offset subsequent losses)
hedge fund strategies
- Long/Short Equity: find mispriced securities.
- Dedicated short: find a company is overvalued and then short sell.
- Distressed Debt: search for those junk bonds.
- Merger Arbitrage: find arbitrage opportunities after mergers are announced.
- Convertible Arbitrage: develop model to estimate convertible bonds.
- Fixed-Income Arbitrage: exploit perceived mispricing long positions in underpriced bonds, vice versa.
- Emerging Market: investments in developing countries.
- Global Macro: profit from a macroeconomic trend that they feel is in disequilibrium.
- Managed Futures: try to predict future movements in commodity prices and invest according to those predictions.
- There’s no standardization for forward contracts, which are traded in the OTC.
- Futures contracts are more formalized, which are traded on an exchange.
- 日文N1文法、N1題目
- FRM ebook ch27 28
- 一堆的動畫